Scooter rack: a practical design feature

Polymobyl has been designing street furniture andbicycle shelters since 1986. Over the years, we’ve followed the many changes in transportation habits, both in the city and for commuting.

Always on the cutting edge of innovation, we’ve developed a scooter rack that meets the challenges of today’s mobility. Find out more about our products and services.

Scooter rack: a dedicated urban parking space

Our LUD range, with its contemporary lines and acid colors, fits perfectly into today’s urban and professional spaces. So it’s within this line that we’ve created the LUD-RACT scooter rack. Here are the main features of this equipment:

  • design in folded sheet steel with laser cut-outs ;
  • five RAL colors to choose from ;
  • easy floor mounting with base plate ;
  • compact dimensions: 50 cm high by 20 cm wide and a maximum length of 131 cm ;
  • four, five or six scooter storage spaces;
  • attachment system for securing machines ;
  • can be integrated into an open or closed bicycle shelter ;
  • prices according to quantities ordered.

Scooter racks: saving space and promoting green mobility

Like all our collective furniture ranges, our scooter racks meet a number of requirements. In fact, all professional or urban equipment must be both functional and reflect the brand image of its sponsor.

Our scooter parking hoops are popular not only for their practicality, but also for their eye-catching design and customization options. The result: equipment in your city’s or company’s colors, promoting more environmentally-friendly… and healthier modes of transport!

Des jardinières pour délimiter avec élégance les espaces urbains

Profitez de l’aspect fonctionnel de notre mobilier urbain pour délimiter avec soin les différents espaces. Nos jardinières de mobilier urbain vous permettent de séparer les zones piétonnes des zones de circulation ou des zones préservées. Elles facilitent ainsi l’organisation ou l’aménagement des parcs et places publiques, des abris vélos ou abris bus, des quartiers résidentiels, etc.

Ces bacs à fleurs ou à plantes enjolivent les lieux de repos, de détente et de convivialité, apportant ainsi une certaine valeur ajoutée aux espaces publics et abris en entreprise. D’un autre côté, nos différents modèles de jardinière de ville peuvent servir de barrières naturelles pour les aires de jeux ou de sport. Il suffit de les utiliser pour encadrer la surface dédiée à ces activités.

Polymobyl, your partner for urban and community development projects

We design, manufacture and install equipment for local authorities and the private sector. Our catalog offers parking racks for scooters and bicycles, as well as repair and recharging stations for EVs. It also includes bus shelters, cycle shelters and all the furniture needed to create a rest area, a cool island… not forgetting a complete range of signage.

In addition to this comprehensive offering, Polymobyl stands out for its tailor-made support. Each project is followed by an audit, a personalized study and a costed action plan, supported by 2D and 3D sketches and product data sheets. The manufacturing and customization phase is validated step by step with you, then the equipment is installed by us. The result is immediately functional and perfectly integrated into its environment.

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