Highlights of 2023

2023 is a year in which Polymobyl will be supporting the development of soft modes of transport.

Polymobyl is also one of the service providers with the OEPV (Objectif Employeur Pro Velo) label. This scheme enables employer companies to benefit from a subsidy for investment in equipment to encourage employees to use their bikes to get to work.

The rise of bicycle shelters

Open or secure bike shelters, scooter racks, parking bollards, electric bike charging stations, bike repair stations… Polymobyl offers a complete range of products for the world of two wheels.

Our adapted products are a resounding success, thanks to their sleek, elegant design that’s at home outdoors or in a company yard.

Polymobyl is also one of the service providers with the OEPV (Objectif employeur Pro Velo) label. This scheme enables employer companies to benefit from a subsidy for investment in equipment to encourage employees to use their bikes to get to work.

The village resort of Vaujany

At the same time, Polymobyl has had the opportunity to carry out some fine signage projects. Polymobyl was chosen to carry out the signage study, from diagnosis and master plan to installation of directional signs, totems and signage supports for the Vaujany village resort. An overall project for pedestrian signage within the resort.

Signage study for the ENS Vallon de l'Yzeron

The municipalities of Francheville and Craponne, with the support of the Metropole de Lyon, have also entrusted Polymobyl with a signage study. Polymobyl has drawn up an interpretation plan for the Espace Naturel Sensible du Vallon de l’Yzeron. This was a major project, involving the scenography and design of all the furnishings for 7 “Buts de balade”, as well as the directional signage.

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